September 26, 2009, Saturday.Got a text message as early as 5am from my Executive Director telling that she needs the endorsement letter to be picked up by 9am. I felt the urgency so I did replied "Give me 30 minutes mam and i'll be at the office". I knew that the weather was not good for its raining already but having a typhoon signal no. 1 is typical and usually people still go to work and most of the students go to school too to attend make up classes.I gazed up on the wall clock and sized up my time. I decided not to take a bath and not to eat breakfast just to cope up with the 30 minutes time limit I asked.
Wearing a shirt,jeans, rubber shoes and my hood jacket with my body bag, off to go to office. I decided to buy two donuts and a 3n1 coffee first. At 6:40am I'm already at the office and following instructions from my boss what to do with the letters. My co-staff and a good friend ellen arrived around 7:30. Both of us stayed and worked at the office till 12noon. We were surprised upon seeing that surrounding area are already flooded and heavy downpour of rains with strong winds striking. Me and Ellen decided to go home. We were able to ride a jeepney but traffic are at worsts and no vehicles moving as the flood continue to rise.The driver made a decision to take another route far from our destination. Ellen and I decided to go down in the middle of the road knee deep with flood water. Both of us are confused where to go. My mind was trying to look for opportunities when my eyes caught the attention of the Pedicab driver waving to us offering his service to give us a ride. Ellen was hesitant because most of these pedicab drivers took advantage to ask for bigger fare payment during these situations. But still I decided to trust the pedicab driver and asked his services. A man who has mustache, skinny with an average height, all wet pedaled his pedicab toward us.He only asked us to pay Php70. pesos. With all his might with the help of two little kids the journey began.We passed several streets but all are flooded and traffic are stand still.We have to lift our butt higher to the seat to avoid getting wet.The pedicab driver advised us that he will bring us to Loreto St. and there we had to walk that long narrow alley in order to go home. I was hesitant to agree with his suggestions so I humbly told him that we might get lost and we need his guidance. He immediately answered "Mam, sasamahan ko kayo hanggang sa dulo." (Mam, I will guide you until you reach the end of the narrow alley.)The narrow alley trail was not easy.It was hip deep and have several manholes. God is good, people living there as well as the pedicab driver guided us and instructed us where to walk.Some gave us a joke and teased us to give our cellphone to them in exchange of help.Knowing that I have disability I set aside that fear, trusted my crutch and walked . Ellen fell twice good thing I had a good grip on her and was able to lift her up.At last we reach the end of the narrow alley. My eyes open wide upon seeing a more bigger flood of water in front of us. Its waist deep now and we had to cross that in order to reach the other street way on our home.Still the pedicab driver did not left us until we reached the other side of the street.My feet was getting numbed when we reached to other side of the street but very thankful that were nearer now to my home in Sampaloc.I gave the pedicab driver 100pesos and thanked him for being an angel to us. I felt relieved upon seeing familiar faces of my neighbors.My jaw dropped when I saw the street goin to my home. Since I am not tall its chest deep. Ellen and I began to crossed it and there tatay (the old pedicab driver who frequently gave me a ride) gave us a helping hand to reach our home. The daughter of my landlady help me too as I trail inside the house. Ellen stayed in my room. There along with my roommate we prayed and listened to the radio for the latest news. Our landlady cooked soup and shared it with us. The boys took over the cooking downstairs. I did not sleep the whole night and prayed knowing that many people died and stranded as I listen to the news. I recollected my experience and indeed it was really an unforgettable one. I was outside and experienced the wrath of the typhoon Ondoy. Thanks God me and Ellen are still alive.
From the pedicab driver,the little kids,people living in the narrow alley, tatay, Letlet the daughter of my landlady Nanay Letty and my housemates and Ellen. These are the angels who gave me hope to surpassed the wrath of Typhoon Ondoy.
Kindly pray for our country and for the victims of this recent calamity.